
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Costner=Perfection!! (at least I think so)

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted.  I have to say that it has been in the back of my mind but I just haven't been able to come up with anything significant to write about.  So, I have decided to just write about how life is going with Costner.

As I am sure most moms believe, I think my son is perfect!!  He is such a joy to be around.  Not that he wasn't before but it is somehow different now.  He is so much more alert and aware of his surroundings.  For the first month or so, his days consisted mostly of sleeping, eating and pooping.  And let's not forget crying.  That crying broke my heart.  That is not to say that his tears don't deeply sadden me now but I know now that they are temporary.  I have learned enough in the past two and half months to know how to stop those tears and how to comfort him.  And I know enough to know when he's just trying to work Mom!  It is amazing how quickly you learn the telling signs of what your little man needs.   I look at him everyday in amazement that he is all mine (well....and Justin's too).  Costner is this perfect little human being that I get to enjoy everyday.  His smiles, coos, gurgles and his perfected bottom lip, pouty thing that is so adorable, fulfills my day.  Costner even recognizes Justin and I's voices and sometimes greets our voices with a big smile.  What could be better than that?

Actually, let me tell you what is really wonderful that Costner is accomplishing.....going eight to ten hours at night.  Costner typically eats around 8:30pm and won't wake again until 6:30am.  We like to credit is great sleeping to two things.....one...he is a formula fed child.  From what I have read formula makes babies feel more full and thus helping them sleep longer.  Second, we have stopped swaddling him.  Last week Justin and I noticed that Costner would wake up around 3am with a hand out and all worked up.  He spends half the night trying to get his arms out instead of sleeping.  We knew he could go all night without being fed so we thought maybe if he wasn't swaddled Costner would sleep better.  I was a little hesitant because it was my night to get up with him (Justin and I trade off who gets up with Costner at night) and I didn't want to be up all night because Costner wasn't sleeping due to the fact that his hands were in his mouth.  I couldn't believe it but as soon as I snapped Costner up in his sleep sack he was out!  Passed out with his arms splayed open.  The cutest thing I have ever seen!!

A quick side note, to all who have yet to have a baby.....get a swing!!  I wish I had one!!  Justin and I spend a good amount of time wheeling Costner around the house in his stroller because he likes to be upright and he likes the movement.  He has a chair that bounces but that just doesn't do it for him.  I'm contemplating biting the bullet and purchasing a swing so Mom and Dad can have dinner together.  :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!  I promise to post more often on my blog.  Here are some of the latest pictures of Magoozles!!
                                                               Costner's Aunt Lindsey
           My Dad says I'm Steazy but I don't know what that means!! Either does Mom!!
                                      Magoozles first night in his sleep sack and sound asleep!!
                                                                      Ready for work!!

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