
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Dearest Ducati

Dear Ducati,

A little over six years ago I entered into you and your Papa's lives and everyday since then you have brought a smile to my face.  When life has me down, you bring me one (or three) of your babies, sit down next to me and give me a big kiss.  You instinctively know when all need is some Dukey love and I love you for that.

Now, I know your life was uprooted four months ago when your little brother came home.  And I know it hasn't been easy for you.  That first week you held out hope that Costner was just visiting and would be going back to wherever he came from.  But much to your disappointment he is still here.  In the past months, your ear rubs are a short 30 seconds here and there, the walks have slowed and even your baths are only once a month.  Who is this kid?  Why is he taking up so much of Mama and Papa's time and attention?  What about me?  And please make him stop screaming, he is destroying whatever hearing I have left in these 10 year old ears!

Thank you for being such a wonderful dog!  Thank you for understanding that life is a little different now and that we all need to make some adjustments.  Thank you for not pulling on your leash when the three of us go for a walk.  Thank you for sitting next to Costner when he is crying and staying with him until he calms down.  It is very endearing and heart warming.  I know it doesn't seem like it right now but Costner is going to love you with all that he is soon enough.  The devoted love you show me and your Papa is what Costner will show you in the next couple of years.  I wouldn't be surprised if his first words are "Dukey".

Duke.....I want to promise you that I will love you forever.  I appreciate you and what you have brought to my life.....unconditional love and happiness!


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