First off....I would like to apologize for last night's post. It was terribly written...geez!! I blame it all on my exhaustion!
I am thinking of faltering...I cannot take the tears. I did not falter today though....I held strong. The day started off well. Costner woke a little before 8 this morning happy and ready to go. We ate some breakfast, cleaned some floors (Costner with his belly and me with my the vacuum), chased Dukey around the house before we started in for nap #1. I put Costner down and not soon after I laid his head down did the tears come even as his eyes rolled back in his head. Twenty minutes later I tip-toed past him room to peek thru the cracked door to see what if anything was wrong. I could smell what was wrong from outside of the room. I went in, changed his diaper and put him back down. He slept for 45 minutes which was 15 minutes longer than he did yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow's nap will be 15 minutes longer than today's nap.
Nap toughest nap! I tried in vein to ware him out but it was snowing today so we were confined to the house. Around 1pm I sat Costner in my lap, put some Orajel on his gums and attempted to calm him down before we went for the second nap. As we sat there I examined at length his incoming teeth. There are little indents on his gums where his two bottom teeth will eventually be and I can see white on the top. As I am probing Costner's mouth he rests his head on my arm and flutters his eyes shut. Really? This is where you are going to fall asleep child? As much as I would have liked to let him lay asleep on the floor with a blanket around him I knew I should transfer him to his crib. So...transfer to the crib I did and with success. I prayed that he would sleep for two hours but I had no such luck. Forty minutes later he was up crying so again I let him cry. Today he cried off and on for a hour. Ugh...I hate his tears!
I hope Day Three is better and if these teeth are causing his nap problems than please teeth come in already!! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post and hopefully a better nap outcome.
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