About two months ago his naps became erratic. The morning nap would still happen fine but the afternoon nap went from 2+ hours to 45 minutes if I was lucky. I was baffled!! I thought the disruption was being caused by teething but we still do not have any teeth two months later. So what happened to my amazing sleeper? What happened to the boy who would go down for a nap without even a peep? Now I have a fight on my hands every time and cries that have been excruciatingly difficult to hear. I should be clear...I am by default a Type A personality. I like structure and schedule, those two things help me tackle the day. Costner and I had a great schedule going. It went a little like this:
8:00am wake up and have breakfast
9-9:15am nap time
10-10:30am wake up and play,go for a run, etc.
12:00pm lunch
1-1:30pm nap time
3-3:30pm wake up and play some more
4:00pm dinner and more playing
6:45pm last sippy cup of milk
7:00pm bedtime
And then the latter part of the schedule got shot to hell. No afternoon nap means a cranky, over tired little man and it also means Mom does not get time to herself to recharge. I believe the change happened when he started crawling and pulling himself up. To Costner there is too much to see and do and if he sleeps he might miss out. So instead he fights his naps, he stands up in his crib (which I had to lower because he is way too tall) and screams bloody murder. Costner is not a fussy baby and he rarely cries so when he first started crying like this I would run in to see what was wrong. That is where the downward spiral began. Costner is a smart baby, he knows how work Mama's heart strings. The other part is that he is actually teething so the pain undoubtedly wakes him up and then he has a hard time getting back to sleep.
Well, yesterday we saw our wonderful pediatrician Dr. Janet Engle. She confirmed that two teeth are in our eminent future but that is no reason why he shouldn't still be napping otherwise we are going to be constantly waiting for teeth to come in to get back on a nap schedule. Tough love needs to be administered. "But Janet he screamed for 45 minutes today!" And she responded with "If you know he is safe and okay then you need to let him cry." Does she know my son's cry....it is gut wrenching?! Janet explained that by Day Three he should be doing much better with naps and not fussing too bad. But I have to be strong which is hard to do when Justin is out of town and not here to back me up or allow me step away. Today is Day One and Costner is currently crying, I will blog this evening to let everyone know how it is going.
Thank you continuing to read my blog even though I write sporadically!!
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